
Digby is a character that I invented during Autumn Week in 2020. Autumn Week is a week-long art challenge on Instagram and I wanted to use the prompts as an opportunity to design a character.

Digby is snooty, pedantic and has a unique way of doing things. I started sketching with not much idea other than Digby was a chunky boy, and he wore glasses. He came to life after several pages.

For Autumn Week I used procreate and created spot illustrations for each prompt.
The prompts were very open-ended which allowed for creative storytelling.

Digby really came to life during Autumn Week and with each image, I learned a bit more about his backstory and personality.

In 2022 I revisited Digby for a few Instragram challenges in October. I had been using him as my mascot on my youtube videos, Etsy store marketing, and even my Patreon tier images.

I hadn’t drawn him for a while and my style had changed a bit, so I jumped back into the sketchbook to get to know Digby again.

After a lot of experimentation with mixed media I landed on a very similar design as the original - but with a bit more life. Life that only traditional media can give!

I used the prompts as a means to play with media, style and storytelling.


Bell and Bear


100 Days of Sketchbooks